Findings and Publications
- Our briefing paper series, launched at our final conference – see below
- Publications in themed sections of two journals that we guest edited
- Selected Journal articles and book chapters
- Our final conference themes and presentations
- Our Dataset
- Selected web resources and team presentations
Following Young Fathers Briefing Paper Series: September 2015
- Neale, B., Patrick, R. and Lau Clayton, C (2015) Becoming a Young Father: Transitions into Early Parenthood,Briefing Paper no. 1
- Lau Clayton, C. (2015) Young Fatherhood: Sharing Care with the Mother of the Child, Briefing Paper no. 2
- Neale, B. and Lau Clayton, C. (2015) Grandparent Support? The Views of Young Fathers, Briefing Paper no 3
- Neale, B. and Davies, L. (2015) Young Breadwinner Fathers? Journeys through Education, Employment and Training, Briefing Paper no. 4
- Neale, B. and Ladlow, L. (2015) Young Offender Fathers: Risk, Resource, Redemption? Briefing Paper 5
- Neale, B. and Davies, L. (2015) Hard to Reach? Re-thinking Support for Young Fathers, Briefing Paper no. 6
- Neale, B. and Ladlow, L. (2015) Finding a Place to Parentʔ Housing Young Fathers, Briefing Paper no. 7
- Neale, B., Lau Clayton, C., Davies, L. and Ladlow, L. (2015) Researching the Lives of Young Fathers: The Following Young Fathers Study and Dataset, Briefing Paper no. 8
Following Young Fathers Working Paper Series
- Neale, B. and Patrick, R. (2016) Engaged Young Fathers? Gender Parenthood and the Dynamics of Relationships. FYF Working Paper Series no. 1
Resource Booklets for Practitioners
compiled by Carmen Lau Clayton. September 2015
Publications - Themed Journals
Families, Relationships and Societies Vol 4 (2) July 2015, Open Space: Seeing Young Fathers in a Different Way
Guest Editors: Bren Neale and Laura Davies
- Neale and Davies Editorialː Introductionː Seeing young Fathers in a Different Way: 309-14
- David Lammy MP: Bringing Young Fathers into the Fold: policy challenges and developments: 315-18
- Daniel Johnson (Young Father): Not Your Stereotypical Young Father, Not your Typical Teenage Life: 319-322
- Mark Osborn (Think Tank): Young Fathers: Unseen but Not Invisible: 323-330
- Davies and Neale: Supporting Young Fathers: The Promise, Potential and Perils of Statutory Service Provision: 331-338
- Scott Colfer, Hannah Turner-Uaandja, Lemar Johnson (Young Dads Council) Young Dads TV: Digital Voices of Young Fathers: 339-345
Social Policy and Society Open View articles 2015, Themed Section on Young Fatherhood
Guest Editors: Bren Neale and Carmen Lau Clayton
- Bren Neale, Editorial Introduction: Young Fatherhood: Lived Experiences and Policy Challenges
- Bren Neale and Laura Daviesː Becoming a Young Breadwinnerʔ The Education, Employment and Training Trajectories of Young Fathers
- Linzi Ladlow, and Bren Nealeː Risk, Resource, Redemptionʔ The Parenting and Custodial Experiences of Young Offender Fathers
- Harry Fergusonː Patterns of Engagement and Non-Engagement of Young Fathers in Early Intervention and Safeguarding Work
- Carmen Lau Claytonː The Lives of Young Fathersː A Review of Selected Evidence
- Jessica Cundyː Supporting Young Dads’ Journeys through Fatherhood
Journal Articles / Chapters in Books
- Lau Clayton, C. (2019). Researching Young Fatherhood: Ethical Considerations for the Researcher-Participant Relationship in Dermott, E. and Gatrell, C. (Eds). Fathers, Families and Relationships: Researching Everyday Lives. Policy Press: Bristol.
- Lau Clayton, C. (2017). Young Fathers and their Perspective of Health and Well-Being in Portier-Le Cocq, F. (Eds).Fertility, Health and Lone Parenting: European Contexts. Routledge: London.
- Neale, B. (2013) ‘Adding Time into the Mix: Stakeholder Ethics in Qualitative Longitudinal Research’ Methodological Innovations Online: Special issue on Qualitative Research Ethics edited by Rose Wiles and Janet Boddy 8(2): 6-20
- Neale, B. (2015)’Time and the Lifecourse: Perspectives from Qualitative Łongitudinal Research’, in Nancy Worth and Irene Hardill (eds) Researching the Lifecourse: Critical reflections from the Social Sciences, Bristol: Policy Press, 25-41
- Neale, B. and Lau Clayton, C. (2014) ‘Young Parenthood and Cross Generational Relationships: The Perspectives of Young Fathers’, in Janet Holland and Rosalind Edwards (eds) Understanding Families Over Time London: Palgrave
- Neale, B. (2016 forthcoming) ‘Researching the Lives of Young Fathers: Participatory Approaches over Time’, in Esther Dermott and Caroline Gattrell (eds), Fathers, Families and Relationships: Researching Everyday Lives, Bristol: Policy Press
Final Conference and Presentations
Our final conference, Seeing Young Fathers in a Different Way, was held at the University of Leeds on 30th September 2015.
Speaker Presentations
- Message to Conference from David Lammy MP
- Alison Hadleyː Young Fatherhoodː Challenges for Policy and Practice
- Bren Neale and Carmen Lau Clayton: Seeing Young Fathers in a Different Way
- Kate Bulman: Supporting Young Offender Fathers
- Linzi Ladlow: Housing Needs and Support
- John May and Daniel Johnson: Counselling Needs and Holistic Service Provision
- Mark Osborn: Culture Change and Listening to Young Fathers
- Sean O’Sullivan: Young Fathers in Ante-natal and Post-natal care
- Hannah Turner-Uaandja: The Young Dads Council: Collective Voices and the Potential for Self Help
The Following Young Fathers Dataset
The project has produced a rich and extensive dataset on the lives and support needs of young fathers. This was gathered through interviews with young fathers and practitioners over a four year period. Details of the dataset can be found in our guide to the project – see briefing paper no 8
The dataset has been deposited in the Timescapes Archive, where it is available for secondary use. The Timescapes archive can be accessed at:
Web Resources
- Hanna, E. and Lau Clayton, C. (2012) Capturing Past and Future Time in Qualitative Longitudinal Field Enquiryː Timelines and Relational Maps Timescapes Methods Guide Seriesː no. 5.
- Lau Clayton, C. (2012) You’re Not a Stranger but You Are a Stranger: Reflections on the participant - researcher relationship in the Following Fathers study Entry for the Timescapes Website Ethics Knowledge Bank.
- Neale, B. and Lau Clayton, C. (2011) Following Fathersː The Lived experience of Teenage Parenting Over Time, Timescapes Policy Briefing Seriesː 2 [Baseline study]
- Neale, B. and Morton, S. (2012) Creating Impact through Qualitative Longitudinal Research, Timescapes Methods guide Series no. 20 [case study on young fathers]
- Neale, B. (2012) Qualitative Longitudinal Researchː An introduction to the Timescapes Methods Guides series. Timescapes Methods Guides Series No. 1
Selected Team Presentations
Selected National and International Presentations 2013-15.
- 2013 Jan 16th Knowledge into Practiceː Research Briefings Series, University of York.
Following Fathers: Findings and Methods. Supporting Teenage Parents in Challenging Times: Qualitative Longitudinal Research with Young Fathers and Mothers Lau-Clayton - 2013 March School of Sociology and Social Policy Seminar, University of Leeds
Following Young Fathers Neale. - 2013 May 13th Families, Lifecourse and Generations Seminar Seriesː University of Leeds.
Young Fatherhood in Austerity Britain, May 2013 Lau Clayton, Neale, Davies - 2013 June 10th Centre for Research on Families & Relationships, International Conference Edinburgh.
You’re Not a Stranger But You Are a Stranger [research ethics]. Lau Clayton - 2013 June 12th All Party Parliamentary Group on Fatherhood, Portcullis House, Westminster.
Following Young Fathers Lau-Clayton, Neale & Davies, Invited presentation. - 2013 July Department for Work and Pensions: Richard D'Souza, Head of Family Policy Division, Social Justice Directorate Invited Consultation on Young Fatherhood Neale, Lau Clayton, Davies.
- 2013 July 10th Social Policy Association Annual Conference, Sheffield.
Following Young Fathers: a Consideration of Policy and Practice Davies - 2013 August 28th European Sociological Association 11th Conference, Turin, Italy
Becoming a Young Fatherː Sex and Relationship Practices and Values Neale & Lau Clayton - 2013 October Doctoral Programme in Family Studies, University of Jyvaskyla, Tampere, Finland.
Qualitative Longitudinal Research Neale, Invited Presentation. - 2014 April 16th Housing Studies Association Annual Conference, University of York.
Following Young Fathers - Housing Trajectories and the Value of Home for Young Men Ladlow - 2014 May 8th ERC TransforMig Project, Expert Seminar, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Adding Time into the Mix: An introduction to Qualitative Longitudinal Research Nealeː invited presentation. - 2014 July 14th Social Policy Association Annual Conference, University of Sheffield.
Young Fatherhoodː Lived Experiences and Policy Challengesː SPA Symposium organised by Neale, with Cundy, Davies, Deacon and Ferguson
The Changing Landscape of Policy and Practice for Young Fathers: Lived Experiences of Support, Surveillance and Exclusion Davies & Neale - 2014 Sept 19th Supporting Families in Difficult Times, Leeds Beckett University.
The Following Young Fathers Study Davies & Ladlowː Conference Workshop - 2014, Nov 6th Home in Transition: Early Career Researcher Symposium, Univ. Stirling.
Housing Young Parents Ladlow - 2015 March 30th Journal of Youth Studies Conference, University of Copenhagen.
Young Fathers in Custodial Settings Ladlow - 2015 June 24th Life-course & Inter-generational Research Seminar, University Sheffield.
Developing Dynamic Perspectives on the Lives of Young Fathers and their Support Needs Lau-Clayton, Neale, Davies - 2015 July 2nd British Society of Gerontology, Annual Conference, Newcastle.
Time and the Life Course: The flow of lives through time Nealeː Keynote address - 2015 August 28th European Sociological Association, 12th conference, Prague.
Transitions into Young Fatherhood Neale
Shared Parenting and the Package Deal Lau Clayton